Watch Als lastest Stand up Comedy Special: ”My happy place”
on Spotify!

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ALs Podcast: My Dream guest 



Al Pitcher Dream Guest 

Al Pitcher är en komiker född i England och uppvuxen i Nya Zeeland. Han bor i Sverige sedan år 2010 med sin svenska fru och sina barn. 

När Al först kom till Sverige slogs han av hur folk skulle ”fika” hela tiden. Han förstod snabbt hur viktig fikakulturen verkligen är för svenskar. 
Al är känd för att vara vänlig, varm och väldigt rolig på scenen, men utanför scenen han har en rädsla för att lära känna nya människor. 
Så, för att bli av med denna sociala rädsla har Al nu bestämt sig för att bjuda in några ”DRÖMGÄSTER” som han vill lära känna bättre 
och vad är bättre än att ta en fika tillsammans?  


In 2010, Al Pitcher moved to Sweden and has quickly made a name for himself in the Swedish standup scene. In 2011 he won ”Best male comedian” at Svenska Standup galan and the following year he went out to do the celebrated and sold out ”Fika tour”, which was quickly followed by another successful tour the ” Påtår” tour in 2013 and ”Nääämen it’s Al Pitcher tour throughout 2014/2015.
Al Pitcher has also released the humor book “ Buried Elephants” (2012), He had a standing feature in the ”Settman Pa Plats ” TV programme and made ”Al Pitcher’s Guide to Sweden” in SVT’s talk show ”Robins”.

His SVT Special: ”Fy Fan Sweden” was shown on SVT in January 2016. It has had over 1 million views during that year.

In Autumn 2017 Al premiered with the standup tour show ”Sweden Syndrome”. He took it all over his new homeland Sweden as well as abroad to London, Copenhagen and Amsterdam – performing the show for full houses!
The show has given Al some of his best reviews of his career and it has been a complete sell out. The tour continued throughout 2018 and ended in december.

2019: SVT 1 broadcasted the show: ”Sverige Syndrome” june 6, on Swedens National Day. Same day Al became a swede and got his Swedish citizenship!

2022- 2023 Al was on tour with his latest show: ”My happy place”.

Previous Specials on Netflix:
”Fy fan Sverige” year 2017
”Sverige Syndrome”  year 2019

”My happy place” First ever stand up comedy Special up on Spotify to watch!


His new show is called ”Tid för skratt” and the tour strats in autumn 2024.

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Al Pitcher was born in England but grew up in New Zealand.
He came to Sweden 2010 and got married and have two kids.

He fell in love with Sweden.

He started his standup career in London in 1999. The same year he went to the final in the ”So you think you’re Funny” comedy competition and later in both the ”BBC New Act Competition” and ”Daily Telegraph Open Mic Competition”.

Since then, he has performed at comedy festivals all around the world and has won several awards including Best Show 2009 at Leicester Comedy Festival (UK) , Director’s Pick 2009 at the Newcastle Comedy Festival ( UK ) and the Peoples Choice Award 2009 at the Sydney Comedy festival in, Australia.
He has performed twice at the illustrious invite only Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal , doing his own 1 hour show along with Eddie Izzard and Billy Connolly and others.

Kind words

Thanks Al for a great energizer to start up our virtual conference.
Many laughs from our multi-cultural participant base.
Highly appreciated with a social event in socially limited times.
/Kenneth Schoultz, Nordea, 22/10-2020

Ingen är som Al Pitcher, folk bokstavligen vek sig av skratt!
/AnnaMaria Carnemark, Marknadsdirektör Reitan Convenience,
8/9 -2020

That was awesome! Thanks a lot! Our Slack chat is blowing up – People loved it! We could not have had a better digital summer party!Thanks and have a great summer you too!
/Quickspin, 23/6-2020

Really good show Al!You are by far the best comedian in Sweden.Happy holiday!
/ATG 17/6-2020

Thank you Al it was great everyone was really happy!
/Helena HäggströmIBM Services

Thank you Al! Really funny, 😊
/Maria Lindstedt, Tele2

Hi Al, wow what a session!I think many of us was blown away how good stand up works as a virtual event.
/Jenny Pihl, Truesec, 19/5-2020

Hi Al,I just wanted to thank you so much!!! You honestly made the event, would not have been the same without you! My team and I are eternally grateful for having you join and wanting to be apart of it. We have received so much positive feedback already and I think you will have even more fans now from around the world!It was a pleasure working with you and I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
/Cassie Wulff, Virtual Charity Event, 12/5-2020

Vill bara säga att vi är SÅÅÅ nöjda med Als insats på vår sommarfest idag! Det var VÄLDIGT uppskattat av våra medarbetare, och det var så himla roligt att han gjort lite research på vår hemsida innan och skämtade om det (plus det jag skrev i infon till dig), det kändes verkligen som att han körde detta speciellt för oss 😊 Väldigt imponerande att han kunde köra 20 minuter helt utan att se reaktionerna från publiken osv., väldigt proffsigt!
/Kristian Randel, OranGo, 5/6- 2020
– Dagens Nyheter, 2018

– Borås Tidning, 2018

“Al Pitcher is London’s loss and Stockholm’s gain”
– Time out London, 2015

”Fy faaan vad stabilt, Al Pitcher”
– Jönköpingsposten, 2015

”Det går bra för Al Pitcher just nu!”
– Södermanlands Nyheter, 2015

”Mycket humor i utrymmet mellan svensk reservation och nyzeeländsk energi”
– Södermanlands Nyheter, 2015


Fotograf: John Guthed 

Anna Gauffin

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